
We are a warm, welcoming community of Christians, seeking to know Jesus better and to share God’s love with our community.

We’d love to see you at any of our regular services. See below for details. Please keep an eye on our newsletter or Facebook page for any changes, particularly over the Autumn.

Our diverse services are in the church building and in the church hall - there’s something for everyone! . Sign up to receive our weekly newsletter here with updates direct to your inbox.

Do have a look round our website using the menu bar to see what we’re up to - perhaps you’d like to get involved!

For your satnav, our postcode is SY3 5AH or whatthreewords ///squeezed.northward.lodge and we’re immediately opposite the Ego at the Grapes. Do feel free to contact Charlotte our Vicar using the details below.

There are lots of special services and events coming up. Please check out our News and Events page or our Facebook page for more details!

We also have a hall that is available for hire. Please follow the link at the top of the page for more details.


We take safeguarding very seriously in all of our work across the parish. If you have any concerns about any safeguarding issues please contact our Safeguarding Co-Ordinator, Jane Elliott on our dedicated phone number 07395905533 or via email here  If you are a child or young person and have any concerns about your wellbeing and safety, you can also go to the NSPCC website at www.nspcc.org.uk, or phone Childline on 0800 1111.