A different kind of church…
When you think of ‘church’, what do you imagine?
Perhaps something from your childhood - something that felt warm and comforting but was in a cold, old building and a service you didn’t really understand and certainly didn’t feel made any difference to your life.
This is how many people imagine church to be, particularly as we are now 3 generations on from when everyone was taken to church. Going to church is no longer ‘normal’. But just because we imagine church is old, stuffy and boring doesn’t mean it is.
Elevenses is church in a different way. Our priority is making church a comfortable place for people to explore the Christian faith through meeting and getting to know others. We do some normal ‘churchy’ stuff - we sing songs to God, we pray and read the Bible but all this while sitting round tables with a cup of coffee and usually some sort of creative activity or a quiz (the vicar loves a quiz!).
We are currently creating a space for those with sensory needs and welcome any input from those who might benefit from this.
Elevenses is a fully inclusive place and although we have a lot of families with young children, we hope all whatever your age and stage of life, whether you are struggling with faith or have no faith at all, are single, widowed, civilly partnered, are tired, bored or depressed; full of beans or fully fed up whatever and whoever you are you can find a home with us .
We currently meet in the church hall most Sundays at 11am. Each month we follow the format you can see to the right. Why not come along or contact the vicar , Rev Charlotte for more info.